Monday, December 14, 2009

Sweet dreams...

It's been such a long day... I set up our Christmas tree all by my lonesome. Rando refused to participate and took shelter in the barn from me and Fuz. Stupid tree goes to the ceiling and its huge... Too huge for just two people and an evil little cat. I figure tomorrow evening or this weekend I'll get around to getting the lights and ornaments on and looking gaudy as ever.

Our trees growing up never looked perfect or elegant... they were gaudy and beautiful. Absolutely beautifully overloaded with lights and homemade ornaments. I had a friend who's family had to have the perfect, most glamorous tree of only maroon and gold. It was beautiful, but in a different way. Theirs was beautiful in the elegant way... ours was beautiful as a family Christmas tree. Thankfully, they both meant a great deal to both of us.

Anyways... I was going to say goodnight but you see where that got me... Rambling about a Christmas tree. Tomorrow's a big day... second try at the MRIs I need to get done of my neck and back for the doctor. That story's for another day, I'm just trying to calm my nerves. I'm praying I can come back tomorrow and say, "Everything went great!" I know I'm strong enough to get through this stupid test but I have extra ammunition with the Valium the doctor prescribed to help calm my nerves. Hmphf.

It'll all be okay!!! Goodnight!